Onboarding LIKE a SUPERSTAR- A beginner-proof method on how to hire your first W-2.

Step by Step for hiring (w-2) for your Cleaning Business

Want to learn an effortless way to hire and onboard your very first W-2 (employee)?

Explore all this informational lessons in 90 minutes or less!

Here is what we will cover:

1.  Am I making enough to hire A Top Quality Cleaner?

You need to be charging top dollar to attract TOP Talent!

2.  How many homes do I need to keep 1 full time  employee busy?

So you can keep your helpers busy instead of training them and then they move on...

3.  What happens during the interview process?

So you can follow my step-by-step process!

4.  Is a working interview right for my company?

So you can decide if you want to try someone out to see if they are a good fit for your company.

5. Know the labor laws for your state and where to find what laws are applicable to me and my business!
So you can not get yourself into trouble with overtime, termination, sick pay.

6.  What offering the job looks like!

So you can be professional and follow my step by step process.

7. House Cleaner Job Description

So you can give them one and have them sign it for their employee file.

8. How to correctly fill out an 1-9 and what to do with them.
Some government forms can be complicated and others have to be filed electronically, so you can know which ones and what to do with them

9. Where to find an employee handbook for free.

So you can have one and make it yours!

10. Basic Employment Application
Everyone needs some sort of application!

11. Why you should background check

So you can have piece of mind and protect your asset, YOUR BUSINESS!!

12. And more...

shannon miller miller

Hi, it's me! I have been a Cleaning Business Coach since 2017.
I also am a Cleaning Business Owner here,
 in the great state of Arizona.
Please check out my website,
This mini course will guide you on the steps to take for you to interview,
hire and on-board your very first employee!!

Note this course is entirely Audio!

Step by Step Process

Learn & follow my Step By Step process for interviewing, hiring and onboarding!

It can be confusing to figure out where to start.

When you have a Clear communication process for hiring, it will make it easier for you to automate this process with soft-wear at a later date.

Understand the legalities for your state

Figure out what labor laws are applicable for you and your Cleaning Business! 

Megan Smith

Cleaning Business Owner

Way to go! I am excited to have learned the step by step process. All for a great price to boot! This was very easy to Understand, Informative, Very Well Organized.
 Thank you!!

Course Pricing

Onboarding LIKE a SUPERSTAR-

$9 USD

  • A beginner proof method on how to hire your first w-2

    • Am I charging enough to hire help?
    • How Many homes do I need to keep my w-2 busy full time?
    • Step by Step through the interview process
    • Working Interviews
    • Understanding labor laws
    • Reference Questions
    • Why you should background check
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